Hi, I’m Mol! I graduated with my BFA in Interactive Arts in 2019 & now I’m the Science Visualization Specialist in Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado’s lab at Stowers Institute for Medical Research. In my work, I’m an explorer, hunting through 3D stacks of electron microscopy images (mostly of cells from flatworms). This is a very visual task and represents one place that my years of visual/artistic training come in handy. The things I get to see are so incredible, I’m always looking for new ways to share this beauty with others. Biology is a world where form and function are completely intertwined.
Press: Eyelash-Size, Self-Cloning Animals Inspire a New Show by Kansas City Artists & Scientists (NPR)
Using Art to Communicate Science (QBI & Medium)
Follow me on twitter / instagram, contact me at molmirart@gmail.com, or check out my photo/sketch blog!
Pronouns: they / them